Sign up for Feeding Kids Today show free viewing begins May 5th! Get your exclusive discounts on supplements and probiotic packed food from our sponsors, watch for an email with the complete list of coupon codes to save big as soon as you sign up!

Our favorite products from our sponsors of the Feeding Kids Today event!


Spring Offer: The Self-Care Glow Set.


Stress weakens the immune system. ION Gut Health for Kids works at the gut lining, where 70% of your immune system resides, to strengthen your barrier function, defend against environmental toxins, and brain-boost.


Non-toxic, microbe-protective, eco-conscious... this is your soap!

Share my 25% off professional grade supplements by clicking here and creating and registering then select your Zinc Citrate and Magnesium Bisglycinate and trusted brands like Thorne, Pure Encapsulations and more…


I am sharing my 25% off supplements and be sure you are receiving my emails with the how, when and why to support your family. GET THE EMAILS

1. FOCUS hemp extract  From years of working with moms like you (and my own personal experience), it's clear that this concentrated, organic, and 100% THC-free food is the number one support for most moms to complete Freedom from Picky Eating (and daily life!) with confidence, success and enjoyment!  Plus it's backed by medical research showing quick improvements in brain processing speed, task focus and concentration.  CLICK HERE

2. Zinc citrate  Most children and adults are depleted.  We may not absorb it well or get enough in our diet (soils are depleted of zinc so even a brilliantly healthy diet can be deficient).  Zinc is essential to hundreds of critical body connections, especially digestion and appetite.  Learn more in Freedom from Picky Eating, and ask your doctor.  

3. Magnesium bisglycinate  Magnesium calms excitatory neurotransmitters.  Human bodies use magnesium when we're surprised, stressed or upset.  We need even more magnesium to digest sugar and processed foods.   Most children and adults need more magnesium than they eat.  Bonus:  it helps us poop!  Learn more in Freedom from Picky Eating, and ask your doctor.  

We've been growing sprouts like crazy with our new Hamama Sprouting Kits.  As promised they're uber-simple and irresistible - we even got two sets so we can eat MORE!  Why are sprouts so healthy?  When a seed first germinates and sprouts, it's full of the energy and increased nutrient levels needed to grow a whole plant... in an easily digestible form.  Your child can do it for you if they can dump a cup of water into a tray.  Watching them grow is super fun, they're totally delicious (you can choose from a whole bunch of different flavors) and the easiest mess-free harvest you'll every experience.  If your new year's resolution is to eat more veggies with your family, this is your one-and-done!


Feel glowy and warm this winter! Warming and cozy, relaxing, peaceful, a sacred soothing space… we all need this in our busy lives! Especially us parents. Extra especially moms. US! We tend to put others first. We are always thinking of our families, making sacrifices to take care of them. From getting up in the night, to spending oodles of time learning about health, to meticulously budgeting to best care for our kids…

We are always taking care of others. It turns out that we are far better equipped to take care of our families when we do take care of ourselves first… but I don’t need to go into that here because gifting your family a sauna is a perfect way to take care of everyone else’s health and happiness (and you get to enjoy the relaxation, rejuvenation, and restoration too, any time you want). Give your family the gift of health, calm, detox, warmth, togetherness, relaxing bedtimes and more. Give your children and partner the gift a more radiant, relaxed version of you. This was a big purchase for us, and we’ve been grateful for it every day - your family will thank you!

Plus, free shipping when you mention my name. Questions? Ask me!


Looking for a budget friendly option? Consider the Solopad with or without the solo unit to get the same core temperature and infrared heat benefits as any sauna unit.

Health benefits of an in home sauna:
Click to learn more about Sunlighten Saunas.

  • Detox, Cellular Health

  • Immune Support, Stress Reduction

  • Pain Relief, Anti-Aging, Weight Loss

  • Relaxation

  • Insomnia Reduction

  • Support for Lyme Disease, Autism and more 


What better gift than a long, luxurious bath while someone else cooks or cleans? Try a meal delivery service and take a break! If you’re in the Seattle area, you can even have The Secret Ingredient come to your home and fill your kitchen with scrumptious meals while you take care of the rest of your busy life (and maybe even take a break!).

Therapeutic cooking and customized meals and specialized diets/food allergies/sensitivities and paleo-based weight loss, serving the Seattle Area from Everett Tacoma and Eastside to North Bend.

Green Chef.png


I love to be in the kitchen - when I have the right equipment, it’s actually fun to prepare my family nourishing foods for health, happiness and great guts! Here’s what I have and love.

VITAMIX Watch for holiday discounts when you click the image above.

VITAMIX Watch for holiday discounts when you click the image above.

Vitamix Food Cycler - compost food scraps quickly on your counter.

Vitamix Food Cycler - compost food scraps quickly on your counter.



Our family really loves our evening routine in the winter… we put away the screens, light candles, have a cozy dinner, and dim the lights to signal our brains that it’s time for bed. Having special lighting supports our bodies’ circadian rhythms so we can easily fall asleep, kids and adults alike. It was a game changer when we changed our lighting. And these make great gifts!


Great fun presents. My little boy and I cruised through the house identifying our favorites for you...

The kid favorite flavor is Bubblegum!

The kid favorite flavor is Bubblegum!

10% off when you click the treats above to order!

10% off when you click the treats above to order!





By Sara Anderson
By Sara Anderson



Reaction Rescue is here!

Do parties, birthdays, and even visits with friends and family stress you out because your child reacts to the foods everyone else is eating?  Do you panic when you find out when your kid ate the cupcakes you didn't know about at school? Even though you're totally committed to doing what it takes to keep your child healthy... are you tired of feeling like the "bad cop" and raining on your child's parade?  Me too!  

That's why I created the Reaction Rescue Kit.

Now you can take a big breath of relief - and enjoy the party!  The Reaction Rescue Kit is proven to support your child's gut and immune system.  Less reaction, faster recovery. Less worry, more YES!   

I've tried it myself, used it for my son*, and given it to friends.  Healing our guts and restoring our immune balance is always my top priority because this is the true source of health and resilience... and sometimes we need support for special occasions (and "whoops!" occasions).

I love the Reaction Rescue Kit because it gives us freedom! 

MegaIgG2000 is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy digestion and maintains healthy gut barrier function. Unlike other milk-derived immunoglobulins on the market, Mega IgG2000 is derived from bovine serum, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and β-lactoglobulin-free.

WheatRescue™ is a unique blend of powerful digestive enzymes and probiotics designed to support optimal gluten digestion and protect against hidden sources of gluten. DPP-IV and Tolerase G® are specific enzymes that assist in the breakdown of glutenin and gliadin proteins, which can help alleviate symptoms associated with dietary gluten intolerance and sensitivity. 

PLUS a surprise gift just for MOM!

One of my favorite calming and nourishing products for you to enjoy.  Be rewarded for your awesomeness in going above and beyond for your child every day!

*Use your discretion and consult your provider. These supplements are suggested for ages 2+ (Mega IgG2000) and 8+ (Wheat Rescue). Bovine serum includes growth factors, and while I continue to use it, we've discontinued with my son for his specific health history. Feel free to reply with questions.

Stay tuned for your next opportunity to order this kit, or place your individual orders HERE

Buy the things in the reaction kit, plus their powerful shelf-stable probiotic, Megasporebiotic > > that is it over there > > >

Heal Action



We love pudding… this recipe will give you peace of mind to serve this pudding at any time of day!

Click here or on the image above to join Thrive Market!

Click here or on the image above to join Thrive Market!

Click here or on the image above to check out PlanetBox.

Click here or on the image above to check out PlanetBox.



My top go-to Essential Oil blends:

Immune Support™ Strengthens immune system and protects against flu, colds and coughs.  Beneficial against inflammation, infections, viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, and microbes. Click here to order.

[pictured] Stimulates the PARASYMPATHETIC™ “rest and digest” state of the nervous system in which optimal digestion, absorption and assimilation can best occur. click here to order

Intestinal Mucosa™ Designed to gently permeate topically through the skin to regenerate and heal the mucosal lining of the small intestine to increase optimal nutrient absorption and support the healing of food intolerances and Leaky Gut conditions. click here to order.

Fermentation and other Supplies




Full disclosure, I earn a commission that will ensure I continue to share more ideas, recipes, and offer coaching when you need a little more support. I have some great interviews and recipes to share with you so this is one way to help me continue to offer free summits. 

The products shared should not be considered medical advice
. Any health advice is not intended as a medical diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical advice because of something you have read or heard.
 Consult Often with your medical doctor or Health Care Professional
. As with any changes affecting your health, I strongly encourage you and your children to consult with your medical doctor or other qualified health care provider on the plan when you begin any new regimen or program or product.