Why Stomach Acid and Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) are Important and How To Boost Them
Your stomach acid, immunity & digestion
Humans need strong stomach acid to:
Digest Food - undigested food in the gut feeds dysbiosis, constipation, leaky gut, small intestine bacterial & fungal overgrowths (SIBO, SIFO) and other problems.
Release Nutrients - the building blocks your body needs.
Kill Infectious Microbes - including germs (like food-poisoning Salmonella), fungal infections (Candida) & many types of parasites.
But it gets weak with stress - whether you're a baby, child or adult!
Plus, it declines as we age.
Low stomach acid can lead to malnourishment.
If you can't digest your food completely & release it's nutrients - you can't absorb them.
Low stomach acid & poorly digested food can trigger acid reflux, inflammation, leaky gut, bloating, constipation and other irritation in the gut.
This combination of nutrient deficiency and gut health issues can disrupt any system in your body!
- motility & elimination
- immunity
- detoxification
- hormones
- mental health
- metabolism
- cellular health
- muscle-mass
- bone-strength
- developmental milestones
- cognition & memory
This research summarizes current understanding of how hypochloridia (low stomach acid) contributes to many health issues. (1)
Do you know someone who avoids eating protein? They might have low stomach acid... undigested protein is uncomfortable!
Fortunately, there are easy ways to help.
Here are 3 simple ways to boost your stomach acid & quality of life:
1 Food!
Many delicious foods are naturally acidic, like lemon, raw fermented sauerkraut, and naturally fermented vinegar.
Traditionally in many countries, meals began with a bitter salad (stimulates digestive juices) dressed in vinegar (adding acid).
You can add a delicious dressing to your salads, veggies and meals to boost your stomach acid & healthy digestion too!
Easy Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Dressing
1/4 cup ACV
1/2 cup organic Olive Oil
plus optional additions:
fresh or dry herbs (phytonutrients)
nutritional yeast (B vitamins)
seaweed flakes (iodine, minerals, vitamins)
chopped avocado (clean fats & fiber)
natural sea salt (minerals, electrolytes)
You can also add raw fermented sauerkraut or other fermented veggies to your meal.
Find it in the refrigerated section of your grocery, or make your own ferments at home!
2 Calm :)
When we're stressed, stomach acid declines.
Try these simple steps to boost it:
Take a few slow, deep breaths that expand your belly on the inhale. Put a gentle chime in your phone to remind you to slow down and breathe several times per day.
When you sit down to eat, breathe in the fragrance of the food you're about to eat, and take a moment to feel gratitude for the nourishment, deliciousness, convenience or abundance of your meal or snack.
Turn on a favorite song and dance! Movement and music each can release stress. Even dancing with your arms while you sit in a chair can be a great release!
Hum a tune. Humming activates your vagus nerve & turns on your calming parasympathetic system.
3 Supplemental Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) - take 25% OFF.
With professional guidance, you can safely boost your stomach acid with supplemental Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).
HCl supplements may also include pepsin enzyme(s) to aid in protein digestion - like in Thorne Betain HCL & Pepsin.
Typical directions for incorporating an HCl supplement:
1. Add one capsule with a meal the first day, two the next day, and so on - until you feel a burning sensation in your stomach, or experience another digestive shift.
2. Decrease by one capsule for your "per meal" dose.
Keep in mind that supplementation needs may change due to the many things that influence stomach acid levels, like stress, environment, time of eating, age, etc.
NOTE: I am not a medical doctor and do not share medical advice. Always consult your physician when considering supplements.
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I hope this help you today!
(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7238915/
Elissa Arnheim Host of The New Science of Healthy Elimination and Healthy Gut Happy Child Summits
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