End Your Constipation Naturally
Want to give your child their best school year yet?
Here's what you need to know:
If your kid isn't pooping a quick, easy, complete soft banana or sausage at least 1x a day - they're constipated.
That means toxic garbage is piling up in their gut.
Infections, chemicals, hormones, physical damage...
It can trash every system in their body.
Behavior, learning & focus issues
Anxiety, depression, opposition & sleep problems
Histamine intolerance, food reactions & headaches (including migraines)
Bedwetting, accidents & low self-esteem
Picky eating, belly aches & more
...these are gut issues that fade away when your child's elimination improves!
I'm not talking perfect pooping!
Just a little better can completely change your child's life!
And yours :)
Pretty complete, pretty reliable, and a pretty good understanding of what causes problems.
That's all!
And the best thing is.... it's actually pretty easy!
You don't have to do anything drastic.
I am a BIG fan of wearing your life-vest until you know how to swim...
...so I always teach the easiest, most effective and immediate solutions first.
Maybe a diet change could prevent the problem, but we all rely on food & change is hard!
So... why not do the natural thing that solves the problem gracefully right now?
This online course includes:
a mini-tour of the constipation risks in every belly - with simple graphics
serious health risks linked to constipation (this is actually terrifying)
25 immediate and short-term natural solutions you can start right away
7 lifestyle shifts to prevent it all
Plus these fast-action bonuses:
🧡 2 live coaching sessions with me!
🧡 a gorgeous new digital/print workbook
🧡 guide to the anti-constipation foods you've probably got in your kitchen
You can do this! Your child wants this!
I'm here to help you.
This is my mission in life!
Ready for your kiddo to feel amazing this year?
Ready for it to be easy?
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