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Heal your child's gut from the ground?

How did you sleep last night?  

This was the scene as we slipped into slumber:

Slipped into slumber.jpg


And this morning when we woke: 

slumber awake(1).jpg


OH, we slept so well, and right in the middle of a busy urban neighborhood!

We’re visiting friends and decided to camp out in the back yard.  Why not?!?


It’s more than delightful for a kid to sleep outside in a tent.

It’s deeply restorative.


My little boy and I (and our guts!) are getting the benefits of grounding… aka “earthing.” 






I’m talking about loads of antioxidant electrons for our kids!  


When they walk barefoot in the grass, on the beach, through the mud… our children's bodies soak up free electrons from the earth that balance their bio-electric systems.  AND IT'S FREE!!!


Yes, we are electrical beings!  

Currents run through all of our tissues, organs and cells.


How does this help gut health? 


Antioxidant activity, whether from superstar foods like blueberries, chocolate and artichokes, or from the flood of free electrons that flows through our bare feet from the ground, neutralizes free radicals and calms inflammation.  

When your child has less inflammation, their gut is better able to digest food, absorb nutrients, and nurture the beneficial organisms that help the gut heal and function (along with all the other systems that depend on a health gut, from their immune system to brains to growth and development).

Rain or shine or even snow… a quick barefoot walk is in our morning routine!  

We kick off our shoes and lie around in the grass whenever it feels good.  


How else does “earthing” benefit my child?


Balancing your child’s body with the electrical potential of the earth helps: 

- reset their biorhythms (i.e. fall asleep and wake up appropriately)

- improve their sleep quality

- reduce their pain and inflammation

- support their rest and digest (parasympathetic) system 

…and it does all of this for us grown-ups too!  


Do you want this balance for your child

and yourself?

I sure do!!


So who’s in for daily barefoot walks, sitting on a rock and listening to the birds, lying around in the grass, or sleeping outside?  


Hit reply and let me know how you'll incorporate grounding into your life!


With love and lots of earthing electrons, 



PS  Read more in Healthy Gut Happy Child Expert Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein’s The Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil.

PPS Work with me.

Elissa Arnheim Health Coaching - PO Box 28865 Seattle, WA 98118, United States
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