Plus some of my little boy's real-life lunches - YUM
Here's a fun and practical gift for your child and you, April.
We LOVE our PlanetBox lunchboxes, dip containers, snack containers, water bottle, and lunch carrier!
Yep, we're big fans and we use this stuff EVERY day.
I prefer these high quality stainless steel lunch containers because I don't want the endocrine disrupting hormones in plastic riding into his body on a daily basis.
And I actually ENJOY packing his lunches in these! I make sure to have a few colorful veggies in the fridge each week, and often pack him some of our dinner before we've even sat down to eat. It's easy to fill these boxes, and satisfying to pack a good-looking and nourishing lunch for my kid!
My little boy loves his Rover box so much! I had a hot case of PlanetBox envy, so I got myself a Shuttle box this fall, along with a bigger snack container and an extra dip container. (Those silicon lids never leak!!!) Guess what? He decided he liked the Shuttle too! Maybe I'll finally get my own PlanetBox someday?
Invariably, a lunch with more color gets a higher rating from my son. He checks his lunch every morning, and lets me know how excited he is to eat it. The more color, the more excited he is. I admit, I LOVE getting the two thumbs up and his big smile! These sweet PlanetBoxes have all the right compartments to fill with color and YUM that makes him happy, and the nutrition that keeps him going!
Including, of course, a fermented veggie! Like some red or green sauerkraut on the side or rolled into a wrap, raw fermented pickle spears, some ferment diced into a salad or even some pickle brine drizzled into a dip.
Here are some of his recent lunches...
Where will your child's delicious, colorful, super-fun, gut-loving PlanetBoxlunchtime adventures take you?!?
Oh, yeah.... and they're so cute and stylish you'll want one too!
Happy Shopping, and Happy Lunching!
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