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Healthy Kids the Easy Way - like when your kid eats kraut out of the jar at breakfast [video!]

Yesterday morning, I put some kraut out on the table, which is what I do at almost all of our breakfasts and dinners.  

And then - I had to grab my phone and record this:

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Do you think that's totally crazy?

My kid likes fermented veggies, but this was a little over the top!  

When I thought about it, though, I realized he might have missed out on sauerkraut for a few days... so he was genuinely craving that probiotic-rich digestion support that's built into fermented veggies, and especially the deliciously sour flavor of his current favorite:  a mix of cabbage, onions and carrot.  

Would you believe that getting kids to fall in love with fermented veggies is... easy?  

It really is!  

It takes a bit of patience and a willingness to stay the course with a tiny habit (you get to choose), and it really works.  

In fact, there are a lot of easy things you can do for your kids' health, and my friend Melissa Matecki is bringing you the experts that know exactly how to do it.  She's sharing it all in...

 Healthy Kids The Easy Way!

It's free.

My talk is today.

You'll get the exact steps to get your child craving fermented veggies (it's in my gift!).  

It was such a fun interview!  Pop in and we'll give you some great easy tips for your healthiest family ever!

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...and we just had cake for breakfast!
What's the missing piece?


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