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Constipation - my favorite solution in action!

I'm attending conferences right now so I can bring you the most current and effective strategies in supporting our children's physical, mental and emotional health.  

While I love going deep into the research about particular gut microbes, metabolic pathways, herbal protocols and other geeky stuff, one thing is super clear. 

Super-simple steps are the way to help your child. 

Here's an example.  


Why am I thinking about pooping?

Because I didn't poop much for the past few days!

There are reasons we get constipated - here are a few:

- eating a particular food that triggers constipation

- refusing to poop (it's painful, awkward, inconvenient, etc)

- stress

- nutritional deficiency

- lack of fermented veggie probiotics

I usually eat fermented veggies with every meal, and I just didn't bring any with me for the past few days.  And wow did it make a difference!  

I finally picked up a jar of raw fermented sauerkraut, and happily started eating it - my whole body was craving that sour flavor of those friendly gut-loving bacteria!  

To my relief I'm back to my regular elimination.  Hooray!

Yes, it's uncomfortable to be constipated, and it's un-healthy too!  And it's way too common in our children.

It's HEALTHY for KIDS and adults POOP 1X A DAY OR MORE!


When a child (or adult!) is constipated, they're re-absorbing toxic wastes!

Our children's intelligent bodies are constantly gathering up toxins and sending them to the bowels to get rid of them.  Every day!

Wastes include:  

- bacteria and viruses and byproducts of infection

- absorbed chemical and environmental toxins

- junk from our food

- metabolic wastes

Toxins are carefully, deliberately moved through child's body tissues, blood, lymph, liver and intestines to the bowels to be eliminated - by going out with the poop.  Aren't our bodies amazing!!?!  

Our child's body devotes quite a bit of energy to cleaning up and sending out those toxins - so they can thrive!

When our kids don't poop every day, those toxins get reabsorbed from the large intestines, and their body has to start ALL OVER again.  

Wouldn't your kid would rather use that energy for playing, or learning, or socializing with friends and family?  

Not to mention these toxins irritate our kids' bodies and brains - and it shows up in uncomfortable symptoms and behavior.  

OK, want to help your child poop out all that junk every day so they can feel better than ever?

Want to help yourself?

Try sauerkraut!

 If you haven't seen it yet, try my free download on how to get your child to fall in love with fermented veggies.

PPS  Besides overloading our kids with toxins their body is trying to get rid of, constipation allows fecal matter to pile up and dry out, making it more painful and difficult to pass.  The colon gets more and more stretched to hold all that hard, backed-up poop, which damages the nerves in the bowel.  With that nerve damage, kids no longer feel the impulse to have a bowel movement, AND because they're still eating and digesting, new fecal matter is forced out around the backed up "impaction" - causing unavoidable poop accidents even in big kids.  

PPS Dairy frequently contributes to constipation, picky eating, and behavior issues.  You can find out if this matters in your family in a way that's fun, delicious and empowering.  If you suspect a food issue and want answers and simple solutions to set your family free, just hit reply so we can talk. 

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The kraut and 'dines club - are you in? Community matters!


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