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The kraut and 'dines club - are you in? Community matters!

I just got back from a couple of amazing health conferences in San Diego, and something amazing happened. 

Food is usually the first thing I take care of when I arrive anywhere by plane!  

Is it for you too?  

But for the first conference I skipped the food shopping(and brought none with me!) - because the Mindshare Summit does functional health with 100% integrity - including the gluten free, dairy free, organic and free range meals they provide.  (and a whole lot more that’s changing our world - if you’re a world-changer, hit reply and let me know).

For the next part of the trip, before and during the Integrative Medicine for Mental Health conference, missed the food shopping - my phone had broken and it was quite a project to replace and restore it (BTW - without an alternate phone, car or reliable mailing address, this was a great exercise in creativity, persistence, social boldness and trust!)

My roommates, all professional functional health women that work with kids and moms, totally stepped up.  Without even asking they got extra food to cover me.


...and maybe this would this stress you out because you don’t shop like everyone else.  Perhaps you’re thinking about things like this:  

- pesticides like glyphosate in non-organic/GMO produce also kills our good gut bugs

- processed sugar and lots of carbs mess with metabolism and energy balance, and feed infections

- lots of veggie fibers are important for nutrition and to keep bowels moving so toxins don’t get re-absorbed (but some exacerbate belly issues, and some might trigger a reaction…)

- and so on!

Guess what?  These ladies eat and think about the same exact things!!!  They brought home loads of veggies, some clean free range hamburger, and lots of other fun, yummy food for the week.  Including…

Plenty of my favorite power lunch!

Wanna know what they got?  

Here’s the video I recorded at our Airbnb:

What a bunch of functional health professionals get for lunches away from home?

Kraut and sardines!  (and a few other kinds of fatty little canned fish.)

Why am I sharing this with you?  

Sometimes I feel like I’m totally alone in how I feed and take care of my family.  

Even my own family used to think I was totally nuts and a pain in the butt - part of my family still does! 

The truth is we're not alone.  We're just not always connected.

We need to stay connected!


When you take a step that’s not what everyone else is doing, it’s uncomfortable.

It’s not ordinary.  (Because YOU are not ordinary.)

When ordinary sees you being ballsy and committed enough to do something different for your kid, ordinary gets uncomfortable and tells you to cut it out!  

Ordinary wants everyone to stay ordinary.  And right now, ordinary is making our kids sicker and sicker.  

And we both know that ordinary is just not ok for you and your family - or you wouldn’t be reading this!

When I got back to our Airbnb that night to piles of omega-3 fat-rich canned fish and raw fermented, probiotic-powered sauerkraut, I instantly felt a rush of belonging and safety, acceptance and inspiration.  I definitely felt a surge of hope for our children’s health!

You want your child to have more:

  • strength

  • health

  • resilience

  • happiness

  • confidence

  • patience

  • clarity and focus

  • and more…

I’ve got your back.  

What would it feel like to give this to your child, and have it for yourself?

Whether you’re just learning how to support your child’s health, or you’ve been studying the gut-brain-immune connection for a while but feel like something’s missing…

Together we can choose the simple steps that are just right for your child.

Together we can choose the small shifts that are just right to re-energize you.

Together you can trade tips, listening and celebration and wisdom with moms like you!

Together you'll feel totally accepted, normal and even celebrated for being extraordinary for your child!

How would it feel to do it together?

How would it feel to be on a team of moms who "get" how you feed your child?

I’m creating an extraordinary team of moms creating healthy transformation for their child this fall.  

CLICK HERE to learn more in a free call with me.

But don’t wait to get started!

Share what you’re up to with the people around you!  

You just might have a new friend on your street, in your office, or at the park or grocery store.  

If you’re not quite there yet, I understand.  It took years for me to share my approach to food and lifestyle for my kid without all getting sweaty and nervous - I didn’t want to make anyone else uncomfortable!  

Keeping everyone comfortable being ordinary is not my jam, though - helping all of us have healthier happier children is what I’m here to do!  

And you’re here to be your child’s champion.


Constipation - my favorite solution in action!
Easy meals and adventure - your choices choose your child's health & happiness


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