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Easy meals and adventure - your choices choose your child's health & happiness

We squeezed in one last adventure before school started, and I wanted to share with you how easy and yummy these gut-healthy meals were!

First, in the hubbub of packing and building a treehouse (!) there wasn't much time for shopping - an overgrown zucchini from the yard made nice firm zoodles (zucchini noodles), and add a sugar-free jar of sauce plus sausage and fresh basil from the garden and some nutritional yeast and home-made sauerkraut for topping... I had dinner on the picnic table in 15 minutes!

The next day, we got a late start and ended up staying with friends near the trail head instead of hiking into the wilderness the first night.  We ate our yummy microbe-feeding meal (kelp noodles with carrots, cilantro, pre-cooked chicken and fermented brine-infused sauce) indoors instead!  


Then our friends pulled out a section of their honeybee box (is that what they're called?) and we all got a sample of fresh fireweed honey.  Full of antioxidants, minerals, digestion supporting enzymes, and antiviral qualities, fresh raw honey is a great support for gut health and whole health.  And it's so heavenly delicious!  What a treat.  


We hit the trail the next morning, and it felt great.  With a few easy snacks that support sustained energy (instead of feeding energy crashes and emotional breakdowns) we were at our campsite in just a few hours.  

Our snacks were all things I picked up at our store!  I love when I don't have to make and package all our hiking food.  I love easy healthy!

Dinner was a one-pot meal of lentils, cauliflower, and a few other special ingredients that taste just like macaroni and cheese!  It was a winner :)


When we invite other families on our adventures, parents often tell us their kids just couldn't possibly hike more than a mile before getting too tired and too cranky.

The truth is they could... with just a little gut support!

Are you wondering if your child will ever have the sustained energy and attitude to go on a hike without meltdowns and energy crashes?

They can.

YOU choose their energy and emotional balance with the foods you choose to feed them.

YOU choose their energy and emotional balance the way you support their gut.  

Whether it's pickup at daycare, the "witching hour" before dinner or your daily wake-up routine...

Whether it's a day of school, a weekend morning with family, or their sports/music/homework...

YOUR child CAN have the emotional balance, health and sustained energy to participate fully in their life and feel great about what they accomplish and who they are.  

It's YOU who calls the shots.

Your family's health is a product of the decisions you make every day.

That might sound kind of heavy.  

The research is undeniable.  I've lived it myself, and as mother to my child.

The truth is the shifts you need to make are actually simple and straightforward.  

Honestly, it's empowering and fun to do small things that help your child thrive.  Seriously, what's more delightful than witnessing your child start feeling and acting better... because of YOU?

I'll tell you everything you need to know.

I'll hold your hand as you take new steps.

I'll give you simple recipes and easy checklists and done-for-you handouts to make it foolproof.

I'll even give you new friends who are on the same path so you always have a community who "gets it."

Adding little gut health supports into our everyday family routines has made all the difference, and I'm so grateful for the freedom it brings us!  Like my family visiting our friends and going backpacking together, and me hiking solo (!) to one of my favorite spots in the peaks of the Olympics!  

When you see your child feeling better you will never look back.

PS We ate a snack-y dinner in the car on the way home. I highly recommend this yummy power-mini-meal! Here it is:


The kraut and 'dines club - are you in? Community matters!
Highlights from Day 1 at the Microbiome Keynotes conference


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