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Reaction Rescue is here!

I love Halloween, and I've been kind of dreading Halloween, because my kiddo is more interested in eating candy than ever before.  

And eating mainstream candy, with all the chemicalized and triggering ingredients, leads straight to inflammation and leaky gut... which can show up as anxiety, behavior issues, belly problems, trouble sleeping, and other issues, depending on the child.  For my little boy it's a red rash around his mouth, new food reactions, and of course a whole lot of microbiome disruption and that we can't even see.  YIKES!

I never want him to have that rash again, and I also want him to participate in life, with his friends!  That means occasional deviations from my gut-healthy clean-eating plans, and along with it - occasional reactions.  Because I just can't always determine what he eats.

Sound familiar?  

Sometimes I know exactly what caused the problem (like going to a restaurant or maybe a family member sharing particular foods when i'm not around - ahem) and sometimes it's a mystery for a while (like the gummy worm rewards at ski lessons, or "sharing" with other kids).  Either way I wish I could make it better faster for my little boy, and even diminish the reaction in the first place.  

Well, in the past months of conferences, I've been in hot pursuit of a great combination of supplements that does just that.  After much investigating, learning and trying-out, I'm pleased to announce our new...


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Do parties, birthdays, and even visits with friends and family stress you out because your child reacts to the foods everyone else is eating?  Do you panic when you find out when your kid ate the cupcakes you didn't know about at school? Even though you're totally committed to doing what it takes to keep your child healthy... are you tired of feeling like the "bad cop" and raining on your child's parade?  Me too!  

That's why I created the Reaction Rescue Kit.  

Now you can take a big breath of relief - and enjoy the party!  The Reaction Rescue Kit is proven to support your child's gut and immune system.  Less reaction, faster recovery. Less worry, more YES!   

I've tried it myself, used it for my son, and given it to friends.  Healing our guts and restoring our immune balance is always my top priority because this is the true source of health and resilience... and sometimes we need support for special occasions (and "whoops!" occasions).

I love the Reaction Rescue Kit because it gives us freedom! 

MegaIgG2000 is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy digestion and maintains healthy gut barrier function. Unlike other milk-derived immunoglobulins on the market, Mega IgG2000 is derived from bovine serum, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and β-lactoglobulin-free.

WheatRescue™ is a unique blend of powerful digestive enzymes and probiotics designed to support optimal gluten digestion and protect against hidden sources of gluten. DPP-IV and Tolerase G® are specific enzymes that assist in the breakdown of glutenin and gliadin proteins, which can help alleviate symptoms associated with dietary gluten intolerance and sensitivity. 

PLUS a surprise gift just for MOM!

One of my favorite calming and nourishing products for you to enjoy.  Be rewarded for your awesomeness in going above and beyond for your child every day!

Order today, and I'll see you soon!



PS  I'm so excited about the Reaction Rescue Kit AND that you can join these group coaching sessions for my support! (but only if you act fast!)

Halloween is coming.... Trick or Treat?!?
Hoedown - food pics and recipe!


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