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Steering our ship through this storm - tips for early pandemic time

I've been thinking of you.  

It seems we have so much MORE on our plates - if we have kids at home, if we're working, if our income has vanished, if we have loved ones that are sick or vulnerable.

There's a lot of fear and stress and confusing, contradictory news.

And now, when we (biologically social humans) need it most, we can't get close to other people outside our home. 

Weak links in our lives are surfacing, and may be breaking apart - in our finances, in our relationships, in our faith in ourselves.

I have faith in you.

I know you can steer this ship through the tempest to the other side.

I've been learning how to steer our ship through this time too!

Like this...

Bike rides before schoolwork to help our brains wake up, help us stay calm, help us fall asleep at night.


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Easy wraps for lunch - with lots of probioic immune-power ferments, brain-loving fats, veggies to feed our immune- and calm-supporting belly bacteria.


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Serious about drinking enough clean fresh water to keep all our cells healthy, hydrated and functioning at peak performance!



There's a lot that I'm totally at a loss for... but I'm good at making it up as I go (and learning from what goes poorly).  Like discovering I have more patience helping with school assignments when we listen to "Calming Dog Music: Soothing Dog Music."  I recommend it!


Here's more of how I can help you right now:


I've been sending the Calm & Resilient video series as a gift to help you and your child find calm.

Have you watched yet?  Is it helping you?

In many ways, our nervous systems direct our gut health (and 80% of our immune system is in our gut, so pay attention!).

Watch the series (in your email).  Click here to sign up so you do not miss future series.

Many times per day, pause to reset your gut, body and mind.  

Turn off the news.  We won't really know the truth for a while, so why get panicked now (and disrupt our own and our child's immune function)?  

Go to bed early, because we need sleep more than ever right now - and if you need help with this connect let me know and I'll share what works.


I'm having so many conversations with colleagues right now.  Some private, some public, and some for my upcoming event (stay tuned! It's in early May!).

Here's a quick video tip with one of my favorites, Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh of Integrative Pediatrics - and you'll get to see loads of other mini-interviews that help - all short, sweet, simple and FREE.


If you've been following me, you know your child's gut health is incredibly important right now.  

This is what we've been preparing for - their immune systems are strong when their bellies are full of gut-healing foods and a big diversity of beneficial microbes.  

THE BASICS of Children's Great Gut Health:

Keep feeding your kids the veggies, keep feeding them the ferments.

Keep bringing in the calm, in many ways & multiple times per day.

Keep out the triggers that cause inflammation, reaction and immune disruption.  

For some of us this is an amazing opportunity to have a perfect trigger-free food break at home, because there are no birthday parties, daycare, grandparents etc. feeding our kids things we now cause reactions.  

For some of us it's become painfully clear that a family member is more committed to certain foods than the health of a child -  the calm, the veggies and the ferments will be extra important for you child. 

My heart goes out to those in households that have more dangerous issues than someone feeding their kid cheese and sugar every day.  If you know a great organization supporting those who need to leave violent homes now, please let me know.

Connect with me directly if you have questions or start the Freedom from Picky Eating course!



Find my favorite immune-supports at the top, plus treat yourself with the new Self-Care Glow Set from AnnMarie.  All things that we use and eat at home.  

Pancakes and whip in the lunchbox!
What I learned from my mom in 1986


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