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Yummy gut health ain't pretty or perfect! (pics and recipes!)

I served cheezy chicken nuggets, guacamole and dilly coleslaw for dinner and my kiddo was over the moon!

"Mommy I LOVE this dinner!  Can I have all of these things in my lunch tomorrow?"

I love when my kid says this.  (He says it a lot!)

I love that I hear zero complaints (unless I do something really crazy ha ha!). 

I love that gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory eating is so delicious and EASY.

It can be that way for you, too! 

I used to try to please everybody... at my own expense.  

When I stepped out of that exhausting, defeating downward spiral, things got so SO much better.

They'll get better and easier for you too, when you start taking the small steps that matter.  



You get to do it the way it works best for YOU and your child!

Priorities, yo!!

And if that means that one night Mexico and Sweden and Eastern Europe and a healthy swap for an American fast food are partying on the same plate... 

Well, let's party.

Yup, dill and cilantro clash a bit, and I didn't care.

Because a yummy gut-healthy kid-winner dinner prepped in 15 minutes left me with the highest accolades plus an extra hour to play catch with my boy... a major WIN!

And when you're winning with joy and ease, mama, you're conquering your own inflammation.

You're more available and more fun for your kid to be with, which is reversing their inflammation.

When your child is relaxed and having fun with YOU - SO MUCH ANTI-INFLAMMATORY GOODNESS!!!

My son loved this so much he made his own lunch while I did the dishes!

Healthy works best if it's simple and fun.

It starts with choice, and transforms into joy and ease!

Want more joy and ease while you watch your child shine?

What if EVERY MAMA and CHILD could have this? 

What would be different in the world?

I want that world for all of us!

That's why I'm committed to helping you succeed with JOY AND EASE - with tiny little steps to:

  • tame the triggers (like inflammatory foods, inflammatory mold, inflammatory chemicals, even inflammatory people)

  • rest and digest (stress is inflammatory, and we can easily switch to calm with our kids any time)

  • feed the happy, healing microbes (with organic veggies & fermented veggies, clean proteins and plenty of healthy fats)

These little steps add up...

...to so much freedom and fun with your family!


Lets Talk and tell me so I can send you strategies that work.

Itchy eyes, scratchy throat, sniffles?
When the roof leaks, what do you do?


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