Itchy eyes, scratchy throat, sniffles?
(Want the secret to never having seasonal allergies again? Scroll down.)
The robins are singing, the intoxicating fragrance of winter daphne is everywhere, and daffodils are blooming like swaths of sunshine across the parks and gardens.
It's spring!
And I noticed my eyes were just a little itchy yesterday.
You too?
Or is it much worse?
I have a lot of sympathy. I do.
The little itch in my eyes, now completely gone, was a far cry from the debilitating allergies I suffered for months every spring for the first 40 years of my life.
No matter how much medication I took, I couldn't seem to get them under control.
It was traumatic, and even caused full-blown panic attacks. I'll never forget when my runny nose started one March Saturday on our way home from a bike ride, and I hysterically begged and demanded that we stop immediately at Lowe's and buy two of the highest power air filters available.
How naive I was, thinking if I had the right air filter I could get all the allergens out of my air.
We're natural beings, products of nature, and fighting with the pollen that makes life and all of our food possible?
I stumbled upon the solution when I stopped eating sugar.
No sugar, no allergies.
Our sugar consumption has skyrocketed far beyond what our bodies can handle.
The gut-microbes that love sugar multiply out of control and overwhelm our internal ecosystems - this imbalance causes disease.
And because our internal ecosystems are just like all natural ecosystems, you can choose to reverse the imbalance.
Nature always leans toward healing.
We just have to get out of the way (and stop making it worse!).
You can end your allergies when you FEED DIFFERENT MICROBES to shift the balance of your internal populations.
(If you or your child has ever had antibiotics, you may have given these sugar-loving microbes the upper hand - toxins and stress kill our "good" microbes too - and you can shift it back.)
These sugar-loving microbes should be just a tiny fraction of the huge friendly diversity in our human bellies.
These sugar-crazed gut-bugs multiply and start calling the shots for how our whole body (and brain!) functions.
We've giving a hoard of sugar-addicts control of our menu, immune system and more!
What do our gut microbes do?
- tell our brain to reach for the veggies OR binge on the ice cream and cookies
- release nutrition from our food OR gobble it up themselves leaving us still-hungry and nutrient-deficient OR ignore it and let it rot in our bellies causing inflammation, constipation, diarrhea, colic, gas, etc
- generate gut-repairing butyrate OR provoke leaky gut and Irritable Bowel Disease
- strengthen and balance our immune system OR leave our immune system raw, exposed, unbalanced and overreacting to harmless natural particles like pollen.
And even knowing this, it's still so hard to stop eating sugar!
Oh I get it!
I used to be a sugar addict!
Even with 7 glorious allergy-free years under my belt, sometimes I still reach for sweet - especially when things get stressful! And last week I just couldn't resist the sweet little jar of honey I found while cleaning out my kitchen cabinets :)
But with the first little itch in my eyes, it was super-easy to drop that honey fast. Because I am in LOVE with my life without allergies!
Plus, there are so many tasty easy "sweets" available these days. Here are just a few options:
- Keto Cups (in the big bags for no sugar) and Lily's Chocolate bars, sweetened with monk fruit and/or stevia and erythritol. (read the labels - coconut sugar is sugar!)
- We make our own whipped cream with coconut milk, fruit extracts, and a few sprinkles of monk fruit or stevia glycerite.
- Primal Kitchens makes amazing bars without sugar.
Changing your child's food can be intimidating, especially when they're addicted! AND you can absolutely do it when you take small steps. Take care of yourself first! Get support to make it fun and simple in a community of moms like you! (Hit reply if you want to join us!)
Stop eating sugar! Even just for allergy season, starting before the allergies begin for best results. This really depends on how severe your allergies are, and how severe your dysbiosis is. Stop feeding the sugar-bugs and your populations of friendly immune supporting microbes will naturally expand. Feed your microscopic immune-balancing friends their favorite foods (veggies) and add more friendly gut bugs with raw fermented veggies. Boost your friendly immune supporting microbes by repairing your internal terrain with this ION Gut Health FREE GIFT BUNDLE.
Tell me - what do you need to succeed?? Lets Talk!
I'm here to help.
PS Bonus tips:
1. Take your allergy meds/supplements (at 25% off) if your allergies have already started. The worse my allergies go, the more I craved sugary, carby comfort food - know what I mean? Do what you need to do to calm the symptoms, inflammation and histamine response while you restore your microbes and their terrain.
2. Help your immune-balancing microbes by restoring their terrain - ION Gut Health FREE GIFT BUNDLE. ION*Gut Health can support membrane health throughout the body, including the membrane barrier of the lungs and upper respiratory tract, where immune function, detoxification, and respiratory microbiome interactions are especially important. Healthy tight junction expression creates a stable terrain, hosting mutualist bacteria essential to respiratory health. By strengthening the membrane terrain, ION*Gut Health encourages the most important communication systems in your body to find the balance point, even through constant seasonal change, and re-awakens communication between bacterial and cellular troops to boost your intrinsic powers of immunity.
3. Get my direct support with shifting foods and strategizing the best steps for you and your family, in a fun group of fun moms who are claiming the good life for themselves and their children! I lead a community of smart, fun, health-savvy women who are raising their kids to be confident and naturally in control of their health and behavior - so they are free to live their best life. Quitting allergies is just one small part of what we do. Let me know if you want to join us.
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