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How can I help your child eat more vegetables? Don't clean the blender.

Tell me what you need, where you're stuck, what's puzzling you...

I know that you already know this:

eating vegetables is critical to your child's health!  

When you feed the happy microbes in your child's gut their favorite food - vegetables! - they thrive!  

The more more veggies you feed them, the more they'll expand and crowd out the pathogenic bugs that can cause problems.  

The more different veggies your child eats, the more different beneficial gut bugs they're feeding... which means more diversity!

Diversity is natural.

Diversity is powerful.

A thriving gut microbiome is full of diversity and supports your child's:

  • Immune system
  • Digestion
  • Nutrient absorption
  • Hormone production
  • Neurotransmitter production

When you replace processed, sugary, refined-starch snacks with more vegetables, you're giving your child a food foundation for more stable energy and moods.  

What's more, lots of pathogenic microbes prefer sugar and processed foods... stop feeding them and they're less likely to stick around.

And like I said, you're probably on top of this theory.

For most of us, the knowledge is the easy part.  

It's the IMPLEMENTATION that's the challenge.

It's all about identifying the barrier, and coming up with options for you and your child to choose from.

I had a client, Hillary, who wanted to make smoothies.  Sounds simple, right!?

Her coworker brought her smoothies once a week and she loved them and wanted to reciprocate.  She picked out a simple delicious recipe... and didn't make it.  EVER.

And it drove her crazy - she felt like she was failing herself and failing her friend every single morning.  

"Why is it so hard for me to make a smoothie?  It's not rocket science!"

So together we broke it down into the exact steps of making that particular smoothie in her particular kitchen, within her particular morning routine. 

Guess what?

Each time Hillary used her blender, she dismantled the jar and cleaned all the parts.

Who wants to spend 15 minutes cleaning the blender?

Especially when you're trying to get a family fed and out the door on time, plus get yourself to work!

So we switched up one little part of the process.

Hillary decided she'd just rinse the blender after smoothies and clean it on the weekend.

Problem solved!

Smoothies made!

Why am I telling you about Hillary and her blender?  

Because our lives are peppered with barriers, both obvious and not-so-obvious... like a habit of dismantling and cleaning the blender every time it's used.  

Is there a mysterious, invisible barrier

between your child

and (more) vegetables?

Or is it totally obvious

and exasperating? 

As in "My child refuses to eat vegetables. Ever."

Hop over to our community and tell me how I can help you with this quick poll, so I can put my energy where it matters to you most!

Or, as always, just hit reply!




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