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Constipation Relief

October Pumpkin Treats - With Beta Glucan & Fiber Benefits!

Screenshot 2024-10-06 at 8.49.29 AM

Gut-Healing, Immune-Boosting, Anti-Inflammatory Superstars!

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Quick tip for constipation

I've been hearing a lot about constipation lately.  

Scroll down for a solution fast.

Constipation is epidemic, painful, and horribly embarrassing in children and adults.

- It's horrifying to witness your child in such pain (or bleeding, or going to the hospital) just when they poop.

- It's devastating when your 7 or 8 year old quietly tells you "I pooped" when they have an accident at the park or school because they've got impacted stool distending their bowel and damaging t…

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