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Got a cranky kid who's hungry all the time? Think fats!

When we were dodging histamines and salicylates, our meals looked different.

Even though I love to cook (and teach) simple delicious meals filled with colorful veggies and plenty of clean fats and protein... we were skipping the olive, coconut and avocado oil I usually rely on. 

A couple of days in, my son was getting cranky.  And saying "I'm still hungry" after a big bowl that usually satisfied.

He was really missing those fats!

Here are a few reasons we all need plenty of c…

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Quick tip for constipation

I've been hearing a lot about constipation lately.  

Scroll down for a solution fast.

Constipation is epidemic, painful, and horribly embarrassing in children and adults.

- It's horrifying to witness your child in such pain (or bleeding, or going to the hospital) just when they poop.

- It's devastating when your 7 or 8 year old quietly tells you "I pooped" when they have an accident at the park or school because they've got impacted stool distending their bowel and damaging t…

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What I learned from my mom in 1986

Way back in 1986, my mom woke me up in the middle of the night (a school night!), to see Haley's comet.

We quietly put on coats and hats (it was still March) and drove the windy, woodsy roads up to an open stretch of meadow on the hill, pulled off into the crunch gravel, and got out.

The night sky was still and clear and vast. 

And there was the comet, a little orangey-yellow streak in the rich, wet blue of a night sky with the moon somewhere just out of sight.

It looked better throu…

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Steering our ship through this storm - tips for early pandemic time

I've been thinking of you.  

It seems we have so much MORE on our plates - if we have kids at home, if we're working, if our income has vanished, if we have loved ones that are sick or vulnerable.

There's a lot of fear and stress and confusing, contradictory news.

And now, when we (biologically social humans) need it most, we can't get close to other people outside our home. 

Weak links in our lives are surfacing, and may be breaking apart - in our finances, in our relationships, in our fa…

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Pancakes and whip in the lunchbox!

My little boy unloaded his lunchbox with his yogurt untouched.  ???

He loves this yogurt - we get the plain GT's cocoyo, and he'll dress it up with stevia glycerite and yummy alcohol free organic vanilla, or maybe banana extract, and go to school with a labeled jar of this tasty sweet treat that's loaded with great fats and probiotics.  

He put it on the counter, looking glum, and said the kids called it baby food.

Oh, boy.  That got my mama-hackles up. 

"Hmmm.  Well, I think those Go-Gurt…

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Recipes and throat spray - Happy Healthy HOLIDAYS!

I hope you're off to a great start and able to find some minutes of peace here and there... take a few minutes to drink a cup of tea (sitting down!)... ditch the to-do-list for a few minutes to have a laugh with a friend... and BREATHE!  

Just three deep big belly breaths completely switch my nervous system from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest - and it works for you too.  Do it for you, do it for your kids (but mostly do it for you!)!  

If your family is staying away from triggers to keep…

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Holidays, stress and food reactions (YES they are connected)

Things are getting busier by the day, and we're facing a slew of holiday cocoa and cookie parties, potlucks and more.  And if you've got a child with food reactions, it can be stressful! 

Which is the last thing you need during the busy holidays!  So let's take the mystery out of food sensitivities:

Foods like gluten, dairy, and sugar; pathogenic invasions like candida; poor digestion; and stress lead to leaky gut.

Leaky gut allows food proteins to leak into the bloodstream, where they don'…

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Report for Our TV Debut... on The Dr. Nandi Show!

I am so proud to announce that my son and I will be guests on the Dr. Nandi Show, airing on multiple broadcast stations throughout the United States!


Sneak preview: you'll see a sauerkraut-making and cooking demonstration!

The Dr. Nandi Show was created to provide patients and their families solutions to better their lives. Dr. Nandi MD covers all kinds of important topics A – Z, from prostate cancer, bullying, nutrition, fitness to the choices available in treating breast …

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Get warm this winter - with spicy mango pickle or sauna?

It's getting chilly and rainy and dark... and we're so grateful we have a sauna to warm up in!


We got ours for detox (post chemo) and to support relaxation and sleep.


If you've been wondering what all the fuss is about saunas, or considering one for your home, learn all about the health benefits saunas offer, and why you might want one in your home.


  • Immune Support

  • Stress Reduction

  • Cellular Health

  • Pain Relief

  • Anti-Aging

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The benefits of Fall... gardens, fav probiotic, recipe for you

It's November.  Around here, the leaves are nearly all fallen, it's getting dark before dinner, and we're feeling chilly.  


When kids spend time outdoors, they connect with the seasons.  

They bring in the calming grounding effect of being in touch with the earth, balancing their electrons, and they bring in the beneficial microbes that support great attitudes and flexibility (the "happy" microbe, mycobacterium vaccae).  

They get the tactile experience of crispy leaves, c…

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