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Chocolate Pudding Pops! Recipe!

And LAST CALL for the summer coaching to get your child off to a GREAT START this fall!

It’s August, it’s hot, and we’re eating lots of fresh green beans, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, basil and blueberries.  

When these veggies are picked right from the garden or fresh from the farmers market, they are practically glowing with nutrition.  

And while I help a lot of  mamas help their kids to love eating more veggies, it’s also true that children need to eat MORE than just vegetables… 

…they …

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How can I help your child eat more vegetables? Don't clean the blender.

Tell me what you need, where you're stuck, what's puzzling you...

I know that you already know this:

eating vegetables is critical to your child's health!  

When you feed the happy microbes in your child's gut their favorite food - vegetables! - they thrive!  

The more more veggies you feed them, the more they'll expand and crowd out the pathogenic bugs that can cause problems.  

The more different veggies your child eats, the more different beneficial gut bugs they're feeding... which me…

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Fermenting at home - while getting ready for a day of camp?!?

We are deep in a sunny Seattle summer! 

For me, that means enjoying the weather, the adventures, the long evenings out chatting and playing in the neighborhood,  swimming at the beach and the pool, and of course - the lush & colorful bounty of the farmers markets!

The cabbages are BIG and JUICY!

I’ve been making sauerkraut.  

In fact

my little boy and I

packed a jar this morning

before camp!  

Check out my Facebook live to see how we did it.

Raw, unpasteurized sauerkraut - nat…

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The good, the bad and the... um... surprisingly not so ugly!

Happy July!

This month has been full of fun adventures for my family… and we’re feeling great because we’re taking pretty good care of our bellies, even on the road!  

(Well... mostly.)

Like last weekend, where the festival we were at had so many amazing stands selling gluten free, dairy free and full-of-veggies dishes!  

We fed our happy gut microbes their favorite food (vegetables!) all weekend long!  

Because my little boy loves veggies

he was delighted!

Because I LOVE a break fr…

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CONTEST, it's really fun!

Did you watch my conversation with Dr. Hanaway?

Inspiring, right?!?

Totally awesome. 

The take-home?  

Give our children more health and happiness by helping them eat more vegetables!

(If your child won't eat veggies, don't despair.  We can change that together, so hit reply.)

And the world-wide power-move?

You've seen your kids trying new things just because other kids are eating them.

We’re social beings, and kids love to participate… with other kids!

They also love se…

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Heal your child's gut from the ground?

How did you sleep last night?  

This was the scene as we slipped into slumber:

Slipped into slumber.jpg


And this morning when we woke: 

slumber awake(1).jpg


OH, we slept so well, and right in the middle of a busy urban neighborhood!

We’re visiting friends and decided to camp out in the back yard.  Why not?!?


It’s more than delightful for a kid to sleep outside in a tent.

It’s deeply restorative.


My little boy and I (and our guts!) are getting the benefits of grounding… aka “earthing.…

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Chicken soup between parties!

How was your weekend?

Ours was busy with parties.  

I think the unofficial theme was blue!  Blue cupcakes, blue gatorade… and of course there were all the usual gluten and dairy and sugary and chemicalized “treats” too.  

I made a lot of great substitutions (and a few prizes) for my little boy to enjoy in place of all that stuff that typically gives him diarrhea, earaches and a red, bleeding rash around his mouth. 

This week his grandma is in town, and there are some special events at the …

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Dessert before breakfast?

This morning as I was putting breakfast together, my little boy peeked around the corner.

“Mom?” he asked,  “Can I have a pop?”   

He was talking about the ice-cream push-pops in the freezer.  

“Sure!”  I answered.

Yep.  I let my kid eat dessert first. 

Before breakfast!  


Don’t worry!  These pops are nutrient-rich, energy-sustaining, and anti-inflammatory - mostly full-fat coconut milk, hemp milk and completely free of sugar and junk.  

Oh yeah… and they are DELICIOUS!  

I …

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